Medical Negligence Attorneys

Every day, millions of people entrust their lives to healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses or therapists. And every day, some of those patients are misdiagnosed, mistreated or otherwise harmed by the persons that are supposed to be helping them. While doctors are human and make mistakes like all humans do, when they fail to respond to a situation as required by accepted standards of care or otherwise fail to provide proper care for a patient, then they can and should be held responsible for the injuries caused to the patient.

Medical negligence lawsuits are often difficult cases that demand a significant amount of time and resources. The medical negligence attorneys at Shapiro, Cohen and Basinger, Ltd. are very selective about the cases we take so that we can prioritize the needs of each client and properly represent their best interests. Our tenacious legal representation and commitment to our clients has enabled us to obtain record-breaking verdicts for medical malpractice lawsuits.
Medical Negligence Attorney — Legal Consequences Of Medical Error in Chicago, IL
Through a medical negligence lawsuit, you may be entitled to damages like medical expenses, the value of time spent off work, pain & suffering, disability, and the loss of future earnings. To maximize compensation for your losses, it’s important to seek a personal injury law firm in Chicago, Illinois to find out whether or not your case is viable.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a health care provider’s negligence, contact the medical negligence lawyers at Shapiro, Cohen and Basinger, Ltd. for a free consultation. As medical negligence lawyers, we understand the tremendous burden health issues can have on your life and are committed to helping you obtain the money you need to get better and move on with life as best as you can.

Our Illinois medical negligence lawyers have more than 40 years of experience representing the interests of Illinois patients in medical negligence lawsuits who have been injured or suffered at the hands of medical professionals they mistakenly trusted. We are willing to take on challenging cases and are not afraid to confront powerful medical institutions to hold them accountable for their actions.
If you or a loved one has suffered serious harm as a direct result of a medical negligence, consider the following steps:
  1. Seek legal advice as soon as possible. You have a limited amount of time in which to file a medical malpractice claim. Talk to an experienced attorney as soon as you suspect you may be a victim of medical malpractice. An attorney will be able to help you understand your legal options and provide the advice you need to make informed decisions about the best way to proceed with your case.
  2. Gather documents. Your attorney will need as much documentation as possible to evaluate your case, including:
    • Medical records
    • List of medical care providers, including the hospital or clinic where you received care
    • List of prescription medications you’ve been taking and dosing information
    • Any other paperwork or documentation requested by your attorney
    Before meeting with your attorney, be sure to ask for the specific documentation they would like to have so you can be prepared for your initial consultation.
  3. Don’t accept an insurance company’s settlement before consulting an attorney. Insurance companies often seek to settle claims before the full extent of a victim’s injuries are known. This can result in accepting a settlement that is far less than you need and deserve—and eliminate your ability to pursue a claim for additional damages in the future. Protect your rights and interests by consulting an experienced medical malpractice lawyer.
Shapiro, Cohen and Basinger, Ltd. is a Chicago medical malpractice law firm that has been helping injured people fight for justice and compensation since 1978. We have been able to obtain record-breaking verdicts, resulting in millions of dollars for our clients. To schedule a free consultation with our medical malpractice lawyer, contact us today.
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